5 Reasons you Should Invest in China

Being the world’s most populated country, with more than 1.35 billion inhabitants, China is an important country to invest in. In addition, when thinking of investing in China, you should know that this country has one of the fastest-growing economies and provides various investment opportunities for foreign investors

Our attorneys in China can help you choose the proper company type for opening a business here and will provide documented guidance in the matter. Here are five reasons you should consider investing in China, but before that, we invite you to watch the video presentation below:

1. Political and economic stability

First of all, economic and political stability in China facilitates foreign direct investments by offering predictability and the opportunity to gain proper foresight into the future. It’s well known that economic instability that could lead to hyperinflation or social problems such as riots or rebellions will not help when conducting business in China. Both citizens and investors here have a reasonable basis for respecting Chinese law and order, a fact that encourages investments in China. Our Chinese law firm can offer more details regarding the Chinese economic background when you decided to invest in China.

2. Capital Availability

Of course, one of the most important aspects to be borne in mind is the fact that in the early 2000s, China became the world’s largest recipient of foreign capital, overtaking the United States. Capital markets, specific business environment, and a thriving global economy that lead to large amounts of investable capital are important conditions in determining the flow of foreign investment in China. Consequently, international entrepreneurs will invest in emerging and developing markets.

3. Having Free-Trade Zones in China

China has many free-trade zones, but one of the most important is Shanghai Free-Trade Zone. For example, establishing a business here has many advantages for foreign investors, such as tax exemptions and free conversion of Chinese currency to any international currency in another capital. If you are interested in how opening a business in one of the Chinese free-trade zones can help you make the most of a Chinese investment, please contact our lawyers in China for more detailed information.

4. Large local market

One of the most attractive aspects when investing in China is the large size of the Chinese market and its prospects of growing and becoming a successful destination for a foreign investment. The ability of foreign enterprises to sell to a sizeable Chinese market high-end industries such as information technology, robotics, engineering, healthcare and luxury goods) is due to the continuous economic evolution and maturation. Growth opportunities for foreign investors in prospective and current commercial activity will generate a chain reaction in the local economy, providing positive effects on sustaining the growing business. Important legal tips for opening a productive business can be obtained from our Chinese attorneys if you ask for their help and guidance.

5. Highly educated and competent workforce in China

When setting up a company in China it’s important to find quality business partners and competent potential employees. Regarding this matter, more than 6 million students graduate annually from the Chinese universities and most of them speak both Chinese and English. English plays an important role in the Chinese education, being an important subject for different exams during the educational cycle, such as for the entrance to high school or the admission to a university. Consequently, language is not an issue for foreign investors opening a business in China.

In order to benefit from documented legal assistance when making an investment in China, please contact our Chinese lawyers.

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