The Road Transportation Law in China is aimed at maintaining road traffic order, reducing traffic accidents, protecting personal safety and increasing passage efficiency. The Chinese government is working constantly on improving its transport policies and implementing new measures, since the transport system is a favorite sector for foreign investments in China. The Road Transportation Law applies to all vehicles in China and a supplementary provision of it regulates uncommon occasions. Our lawyers in China can give you further details about the provisions of the Road Transportation Law.
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General provisions of the Road Transportation Law
The provisions of the Law of the People`s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety are compulsory for all drivers of vehicles, pedestrians, passengers, the units and individuals involved in traffic activities. If you want to establish a company in China and need to use the road system in order to transport merchandise, you need to get acquainted with the legal provisions of the Road Transportation Law. This law defines the general principles which apply to road transportation in China and it further establishes:
• The rights and obligations of drivers and the technical requirements for vehicles to be met in order to drive on the public roads of China;
• The distinction between motor and non-motor vehicles;
• The general provisions and conditions for road passage;
• The requirements for the passage of pedestrians and riders;
• The special provisions applicable to traffic on expressways;
• The dispositions of traffic accidents;
• The supervision of law enforcement.
Our Chinese law firm can provide an in-depth presentation of the legal requirements to be met in order to travel on the public roads of the country. In addition to the information about road transportation law in China, our lawyers can also assist you in other matters. For instance; if you are planning to register your trademark in China, get in touch with our lawyers. A trademark is an integral feature of intellectual property for a company because it helps to protect its reputation and credibility. A trademark is a symbol, word, or phrase that is used to identify and differentiate one product or service from others in the market.
The Chinese transportation system
China continues to expand and develop its transport infrastructure and the rate of development is an impressive one. The country is one the world’s most powerful importers and exporters and a good transport system is crucial for these activities.
In order to regulate transportation activities in China, the government uses a series of laws and normative acts that act together as the Transportation Law in China. The Chinese Government is constantly working on improving its transport policies and implementing new measures.
Apart from being an extremely valuable exporter, China is also the most populous country in the world. Understandably, the Chinese government had to implement efficient measures for the transport of passengers, so the country has developed a comprehensive transport system.
Road transportation is the most popular in China, followed by railway transportation, and waterway and civil aviation transportation. The Chinese road transport network is composed of public roads, expressways and highways. In China, roads are qualified at an administrative level:
– national,
– provincial,
– country,
– township,
– special highway,
– village roads.
A technical classification includes the following types of roads:
– expressways,
– class I,
– class II,
– class III
– class IV,
– unclassified roads.
Traffic laws in China
One of the most important issues with which the Transportation Law in China deals is road safety. The Road Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China has effect in all of mainland China, but does not extend to Hong Kong and Macau.
The law was aimed at reducing fatalities in road accidents and addresses the following issues: pedestrian accidents, the vehicle insurance system, expressways speed limits, applicable penalties and details about the existing point system for the penalties.
For information about liability in traffic accidents and the applicable penalties for drivers, you can contact our Chinese attorneys.